Submission FAQs

We plan on updating the FAQ continuously

General Questions

Do the Limitations and Ethical Considerations sections count toward the 8-page limit for long papers (4-page limit for short papers)?

No. The Limitations and Ethical Considerations sections do not count toward the page limit. They should be included at the end of the paper, after the conclusion and before the references, and can take up to one extra page.

Is it permissible for an author to be listed on multiple papers submitted to the conference?

Yes. However, it may be the case that different authors need to register to present multiple papers (the registration policy has not been decided yet).

Will all accepted papers be indexed/included in the conference proceedings?

Yes. All accepted papers will be indexed/included in the conference proceedings.

Direct Submission to COLING 2025

If a paper has been reviewed by ARR in June and has not been committed to any conference, can it be submitted directly to COLING 2025 in September?

Yes. If the paper is not under review on ARR or some other venue on September 16, it can be submitted to COLING 2025 through START.

Can papers submitted to the ARR August deadline be submitted to COLING 2025 in September?

No. Papers submitted to the ARR August deadline must not be submitted to COLING 2025 through START on September 16, because they will still be under review on ARR by that time. Note that papers reviewed on ARR during the June or August cycle can be committed to COLING 2025 through ARR by October 20 (see below).

Can a paper that has been committed to EMNLP 2024 (through ARR) be directly submitted to COLING 2025 through START by September 16?


ARR papers and commitment to COLING 2025

If a paper has been reviewed by ARR in June or in August and has not been committed to any conference, can it be committed to COLING 2025?

Yes. The paper can be committed to COLING 2025 through ARR by October 20.

If I have a paper that has been reviewed by different rounds of ARR, do I have to use the latest ARR review for commitment to COLING 2025, or can I choose to commit the reviews from a previous round?

You need to use reviews from the latest round for commitment.

Can a paper that was committed to EMNLP 2024 but not accepted be committed to COLING?

Yes. ARR papers committed but not accepted to EMNLP 2024 can be committed to COLING 2025 on October 20.